Around a year ago I was given an opportunity for a discussion regarding taking a new step in my career. A step thatโ€™s is arguably one of the largest you can take which would see me move from being an IT technician in an inner city primary school to sitting in upper management at a 5 school MAT which also looks after 6 other schools for IT support.

At the time I didnโ€™t think it was possible but Iโ€™d set myself the challenge many years ago to achieve a full management position by the time I was 25, which is what I was able to do.

Fast forward 10 months and my feet still havenโ€™t quite touched the floor, from trust wide projects around data backups, to new partnerships, allowing staff to believe in technology and keep us safe and secure with GDPR/Cyber security.

Since moving into this role it has also given me the opportunity to meet and collaborate with other like minded individuals across the globe and provide me with a me platform to be able to share my knowledge through keynote speaking at events.

I have been very grateful for all the opportunities I have been given in life but the proof is in the pudding. If you set your mind to something you can achieve anything. In under 7 years I went from walking out of 6th form to overseeing 11 schools, 6 team members and over 10,000+ users.

Determination Delivers Rewards!

Stay tuned for my new article Sixth Form to Trust Management coming soon
To find out more about how I can support you and your school embrace technology or to speak at your event, head to www.jordansmithson.com

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