Welcome to issue 2 of the Innovative EdTech monthly newsletter. In this months edition of the Innovating EdTech newsletter we look to keep up to date with everything going on in the world of EdTech and the growing resources coming out from the team at the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) around cyber security in schools. We also have a great showcase feature from Rachael and the team at Arc Maths and how they are using the power of EdTech to tackle underperformance in maths throughout schools. Finally we look to the latest guidance coming out from the team at the Department for Education and ask the questions around your school website and if it’s compliant?


Click on the image below to view this months issue!


Do you want to share your knowledge and experience with a globally accessible audience about how you are using technology or even your best story from your time in school? Send me an email or message me via social media to discuss your opportunities. Together we can grow the global standard of EdTech teaching and learning for all.